Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wizbang: The Left's Tea Party Hysteria

Saul Alinsky's Rule for Radicals number 5: Ridicule is Man's most potent Weapon.

(The Crazy Man of Madrid).

Wizbang has some seriously impressive commentary on the way the Tea Parties have been portrayed by the Media. CHECK IT OUT, SERIOUSLY.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April 15th, Tax Day Tea Party

Today's the day...and President Hopey is "unaware" (via the 800+ tea parties, drawing hundreds and even thousands, across the country today. He doesn't know about the lead headline on the Drudge Report. Also, Chuck Todd of NBC News says that the Tea Parties "haven't really caught on." (Via: Rob Port's Say Anything Blog). Lying snakes.

Some Tea Party Resources:
Tax Day Becomes Protest Day, WSJ editorial.
Michelle Malkin's coverage.

And the "rant" that started it all:

Monday, April 13, 2009

SHOCK: Oprah's Dr. Oz is a Parkinson's loving, knuckle-dragging, zealous, Republican WARRIOR ON SCIENCE!!!

or maybe he's willing to present sound science without the inherent political hype.

(Saturno devorando a un hijo [Saturn devouring a son] by Francisco de Goya.)

Oprah "President chooser" Winfrey's Dr. Oz makes the SHOCKING claim that the stem cell debate is DEAD:

Monday, March 30, 2009

'The Economist' has a hangover

The Economist is second-guessing their endorsement of Barack "I am the Change you were waiting for" Obama. All their reasonings should have been quite evident to them before the election. Further analysis at hotair.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The merits of the English...

If only those representing us had such an ability to express themselves.

Obama's War on English

E.g., The War on Terror has become the Overseas Contingency Operation.

Lebron James' half-court shot

...nothing but net.

Phoenix Catholics Come Home

Mass attendance is up 22% in the Diocese of Phoenix after the airing of these (and other) Catholics Come Home ads. This doesn't surprise me; I don't consider myself too sensitive, but these ads make me "go a big rubbery one." (Thanks Tyler Durdan).

Spanish journalists have some integrity...

Translation: Long live the mother (YES!) who bore me!

Following a huge pro-life manifestation in Spain, all three major Spanish papers (el Pais, el Mundo and ABC) all provide extensive coverage of the events. This is in stark contrast with the complete lack of coverage by the New York Times and all three major networks who completely ignored the American annual March for Life.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Flood Observations

The situation is precarious here in Fargo, North Dakota. After a particularly snow-laden winter, we are possibly about to experience the effects of a "100 year" flood. The members of the community are well-aware of the consequences of such an event; in 1997, Grand Forks, our neighbor to the North, experienced an inundation resulting in evacuation, scattering of families (and school students) and over $3billion worth of damage. After a few days of increasing predictions, the Red River of the North here in Fargo is expected to crest between 39 and 41 ft. (Cf. record of 39.1 in 1897) on Saturday @ 1pm and stay there a few days. However, this prediction could be shaky considering the unprecedented water levels coming from the Wild Rice (a source tributary). The thousand of volunteers are expected to have filled nearly 2 million sandbags for temporary levees by tomorrow. Unfortunately, many rural residents have already lost their homes, including in small-town neighboring Oxbow. I've spent many hours working with people in the community and the solidarity I've witnessed is startling. Truly, the Salt of the Earth dwells here in Fargo. Pray for us if you're from afar and if you're from "anear," do whacha can.

UPDATE (Mar 25th): Fr. Z. in Rome offers the "Blessing of a Community against Floods" for us here in North Dakota.

UPDATE (Mar 27th): Sooo...the new crest predictions are as follows: the Red may crest between 41 and 43ft. by Saturday evening and linger until Thursday before letting up. Meritcare Hospital has evacuated all non-emergency patients (critical or otherwise) to neighboring hospitals. Portions of Moorhead south of the Interstate have been evacuated by mandate as well as Riverview Estates and Lindenwood neighborhoods in Fargo. My parents' home is smack-dab in the Fargo "Red Zone," i.e., the place to which other residents will seek refuge should 'the worst' occur. Thus, we have a house full of guests, family, friends and pets. Woohoo.

Gov. Hoeven has activated some 1400 Guardsmen in order to raise levees to 44 ft.

Fargo Mayor Walaker's phrases of the day?: 'We're entering un-chartered territory' and 'The only thing we haven't had yet is a tornado.' Rough quotes of course.

Self-Deprecating Anecdote of the Day?: My brother and his fiancee were sandbaggin' on the other end of the line as me when they heard: Who's that bossy guy at the end of the line? My brother's fiancee's response: that's my future brother-in-law. : )

Sunday, March 22, 2009

NYTimes Krugman: Obama/Geitner plan will almost certainly fail.

The New York Times liberal and Obamaphile Paul Krugman says financial plan will fail. (Via: Say Anything blog)


The Outrage Kabuki
And the limits of telepromptered cool.

By Mark Steyn

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Iran: Obama, try harder!

Iran (that tiny country) rebuffs Obama's outstretched hand.

Oooops! CBO: Obama's budget projections off by a couple trillion dollars

According to the Washington Post, the first non-partisan assessment by the Congressional Budget Office projects a budget deficit of $9.3 trillion by the end of the decade; Allahpundit's analysis.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Our dear gov't officials were SHOCKED, SHOCKED (!!!) to find out about the bonuses give out to AIG on the taxpayers' dole. Caroline Baum at Bloomberg draws comparisons to the quintessential novel on gov't intervention. (Via: RealClearMarkets)

Shep blows off steam on AIG debacle

(Via: The Anchoress)

I would be embarrassed to be from CT today.

As usual, Ed Morrissey over at Hot Air has indespensable analysis of this whole debacle, appropriately entitled: Dodd: You know, now I remember adding that bonus language. What a circus!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

God Bless Africa!

The Holy Father's opening address in Cameroon. (Via: whispersintheloggia)

A lesson in Capitalism

(H/T: RealClearMarkets) China's Communist premier lectures U.S. on spending, debt and protectionism; kinda humiliating.

Psst... FYI, Mr. Islamofascist.

We no longer trust those with hundreds of passengers under their protection to arm themselves against highjackers. Use this information as you see fit. Ace isn't happy.

On Pilgrimage

American Papist
's Thomas Peters claims to know why the 'Papa Benny' is headed to Africa for St. Patrick's Day.

Sing in me, O Muse!

This article is the muse for my new blog. Our venerable senator from North Dakota received a thwapping in the Wall Street Journal about his budget hypocrisy. My facebook friend Zach posted this on his profile and I commented: "Blind guides, who strain out the gnat and swallow the camel!"


Have your Guinness today, but remember also the Apostle of Ireland.

Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me;
Christ to comfort and restore me;
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.
-St. Patrick's Breastplate